Add Item

This screen enables the user to enter detailed information regarding the part.

The Add Item process varies for companies using unique pull signals. Click here to view the associated documentation for adding items when using unique pull signals.

Add Item

Add Item


Shipment Identification

The unique identification number given to this shipment. This is generated by the system once a new shipment is updated.


The unique shipper number for the shippers on the ASN.

Item: New



Select Update to update the Advance Shipment Notices and print any shipping documents.

Important! If SupplyWEB is configured to auto-generate serial numbers, these serial numbers will be created when you update the ASN. Consequently, you will not be able to change the number of containers within the Number of Containers to be Received field. If you wish to add containers after you have updated the ASN, you must click on the Add button within the Containers section.

Click on the Delete button within the Item: New section to delete the item from the ASN.

Click on the Add Tare button within the Item: New section to add a tare to the ASN.

Click on the Add button within the Containers section to add a container to the ASN. If you assign serial numbers manually, each container will appear on its own line in the ASN, and must be added individually. When auto-generating serial numbers, you may specify the number of containers in the Number of Containers to be Received field that appears.

To delete a container from the ASN, check the box next to the container(s) you wish to delete, and click on the Delete button to delete the container from the shipper.

Select Cancel to void adding the item.