The Planning Release Comparison's History function allows you to compare what was ordered on a weekly basis.
From the Demand option on the SupplyWEB navigation menu, select Planning Release Comparison, then History. The following screen will appear:
Click the drop-down list box to select the supplier for whom you wish to view the Release Comparison Report.
Note: Only the suppliers to whom you have been given access will appear.
Click Query to view the Release Comparison Part List for the selected supplier. The following screen will appear:
Click the specific part under Part Number to view the Release Comparison Release List. The following screen will appear:
Releases may be compared in two ways:
Once the desired comparison is selected, the following screen will appear:
The supplier selected will display.
The part number selected will display.
The release number of the current release, or the release that is being compared to a prior release (below).
The release date and time of the current release, or the release that is being compared a prior release (below).
The release number of the previous release, or the release against which you are comparing the release selected (above).
The release date and time of the previous release, or the release against which you are comparing the release selected (above).
The due date of the release quantity.
The previous net and cumulative amounts, based on the past period, will display.
The selected net and cumulative amounts, based on the selected period, will display.
The degree of change, based on past and current amounts, will display as a quantity.
The degree of change, based on past and current amounts, will display as a percentage.