Part Number

Part Number Detail

Part Number Detail


Line Number

The line number on the purchase order for this item.

Ship From

The ship from code.

Item Identification

The identification of the item.

Ship Via

How the item is being shipped.


The description of the item

Freight on Board Point

The freight on board point.

Outside Process Code

The outside process code for this item, if any.

Freight Terms

The freight terms for this item.

Item Type

The type of item, service, production etc.

Deliver To

The person or place the items are to be delivered to.

Revision Level

The revision level of the item.


The project number for the item.

Supplier Item Identification

The supplier's identification for this item.

Engineering Change Level

The engineering change level of the item.

Purchase Price Data


Ship To

Tax Details


Any notes for the item.


Click Save to save changes.


When the promise date is updated, the xml data is written back to SupplyWEB. If there is an email address on the ship to for this item, an email is sent to that address with the old promise date and new promise date. The xml data is also written to the outbound xml directory.