Contact Information

The Supplier Contact Information function allows you to update the supplier's contact information.


From the Miscellaneous option on the SupplyWEB navigation menu, select Contact Information. The following screen will appear:

Contact Information

Contact Information



Click the drop-down list box to select the supplier for whom you wish to view contact information.

Click Query, the following screen will appear:

Contact Information Display

Contact Information Display


Phone Number

Enter the number that must be dialed when calling within your country and the company's phone number, including area code and extension.

Fax Number

Enter the number that must be dialed when faxing within your country and the company's fax number, including area code and number.

Discrete Purchase Order Notification Email Address

Enter an e-mail address for this location. This may be a general e-mail address, or it may be the address for the contact person. Little format checking is performed on these addresses; however, the @ symbol must be present.

Contact Name

Enter the name of the person to whom company business should be addressed.

Supplier Managed Inventory Supplier Contact Information

The supplier managed inventory supplier contact information will display, as set up in Supplier Maintenance.

To remove a contact, check the Remove box. To add a new contact, enter the Contact Name and Email Address in the NEW row.

Note: This field will only appear if Supplier Managed Inventory is active and this is a Supplier Managed Inventory supplier.


Click Update to enter this information directly into your customer's database.